Siyan Bradley Appointed Board Vice President

The Women Aware Board of Trustees recently announced the appointment of Siyan Bradley as Board Vice President. Mr. Bradley joined the Board of the state-designated lead domestic violence agency for Middlesex County, NJ in 2019.
Mr. Bradley graduated from Keller Graduate School of Management with a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) degree with a concentration in Project Management. He is employed as a Program Manager at L3harris in Bristol, PA. Mr. Bradley founded The Renee J. Bradley Foundation, dedicated to preventing domestic violence, as he was determined not to allow his mother’s death by violence to be in vain.
He has been featured on WBJLRADIO.COM and recognized by the New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence (NJCEDV) with the “NJ Men of Strength” award. Mr. Bradley is a dedicated member of the Cathedral International in Perth Amboy, NJ. He is married to Nicole Little Bradley, and they have three children.
“Siyan truly carries our cause in his heart,” said Women Aware Board President Diane Palmer. “After his mother was tragically killed, he honored her life by establishing a foundation in her memory to prevent domestic violence and educate young people about abuse. Siyan is an enthusiastic, active Board member and a powerful advocate for victims. I am excited to have him join the Board leadership team at Women Aware.”
“Since connecting with Women Aware in 2007, which was the year after my mother’s tragic death, I have been dedicated to helping individuals move beyond abuse,” said Mr. Bradley. “That dedication led me in joining Women Aware’s Board of Trustees in 2019, and now in my new role as Vice President of the Board, I renew my commitment to seeing a world free of domestic violence. I’m excited to be a part of an excellent Board and an amazing team at Women Aware.”