You’re invited to our Moving Beyond Abuse 5K & Charity Walk, Saturday, October 5, Johnson Park, Piscataway! Visit our event site to register, donate or sponsor! Who do you walk/run for?

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Women Aware



Women Aware works with domestic violence victims to increase their understanding of, and access to, the protections afforded to them by the law. Women Aware’s Legal Advocates are experts in the specific barriers that domestic violence victims face in the legal system.

The legal advocacy services offered by Women Aware are unique in that they do not rely on victims initiating contact. Instead, advocates approach victims in the court system. Middlesex is one of the few counties in New Jersey that has Final Restraining Order hearings every day.

There are several core services that Legal Advocates provide to clients in order to help them improve their safety: court interventions, court accompaniments, court preparation, case management, legal clinics and workshops, and advocacy.

For more information, please call 732-249-4900.

Victims' Rights: Understanding and Accessing the Protections Afforded by Law Video Series

A series of 12 law videos was produced by Women Aware through a project cosponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation and made possible through funding from the IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey. The videos are available on Women Aware’s YouTube channel.

Below are links to the respective videos.

Restraining Order


Part I:

Part II:


Part I:

Part II:


Part I:

Part II:




Sexual Assault

Victims’ Rights/Victim Advocacy


Child Custody

The information provided in these videos is offered by attorneys and advocates who practice in various areas related to domestic violence, as well as some of the staff at Women Aware, Middlesex County’s lead domestic violence agency. The material provided in these videos is for informational purposes only; it is not intended to take the place of legal advice provided by your own individual attorney. There is no attorney-client relationship created through these videos; our goal is to inform and educate the public, and to answer some frequently-asked questions about a number of topics under the broad umbrella of domestic violence.