The recent tragic murder of Giorgina Nigro at the hands of her husband is a painful reminder of the consequences of domestic violence. We became members of the board of directors for the service provider Women Aware because we are committed to helping our community move beyond abuse. It is vital that everyone in Middlesex County knows that Women Aware is here to help.
Women Aware is the domestic violence agency designated by the state to serve the citizens of Middlesex County. With 35 years of experience, these professionals provide free and confidential services to survivors of domestic violence. This includes: a 24-hour hotline, an emergency shelter, support groups, children’s trauma therapy, legal clinics and a wide variety of other services that keep people physically and emotionally safe and secure. Each year, Women Aware helps thousands of families find safety from an abuser. This caring, professional staff can help with restraining orders, seeking custody, applying for victim compensation, shelter and finding permanent housing, name changes and other assistance. The shelter run by Women Aware is fully accessible, completely secure and staffed 24 hours a day. It is a comfortable home with play areas for children. Safety and security are priorities.
Help is available to all, regardless of race, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, language, age or immigration status. As board members of Women Aware, we urge you to take advantage of these invaluable services. Women Aware is there 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Find us online at or call the hotline anytime at 732-249-4504.