“Today, we run for each other. We run to promote a safe and just society. We run to raise awareness and to protect those impacted by domestic violence.” -Phyllis Adams, Women Aware Chief Executive Officer speaking during the Moving Beyond Abuse 5K Race
PISCATAWAY–On November 11th, over 240 individuals came together in Johnson Park to raise awareness about domestic violence at Women Aware’s first annual Moving Beyond Abuse 5K Race & Charity Walk.
Middlesex County Prosecutor Andrew Carey kicked off the event and spoke about the need for our communities to do more to end domestic violence in New Jersey.
Prior to the race start, Katie Mayfield, Director of Development & Outreach at Women Aware, introduced Tommy Coohill, the Commander of the East Brunswick V.F.W. who directed taps in honor of Veteran’s Day.
“It has been an incredible day celebrating survivors. I want to thank all of the survivors out here today. You are not alone. Today is proof of that,” said Mayfield, during the awards ceremony. Top runners and notable fundraisers were acknowledged with Women Aware medals.
Assemblywoman Linda Carter of district 22 presented Women Aware with a Proclamation, declaring October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in honor of the event.
Also in attendance were Women Aware Board President Diane Palmer and fellow Board Members, Women Aware Chief Executive Officer Phyllis Adams and Chief Operating Officer Maria Betanzos, Assistant Prosecutor Christie Bevacqua, Diane Johnson of the Victim Witness Advocacy Unit, Linda Jay of the Middlesex County Board of Social Services, and many others.
(Photography credit: Tatiana Rodriguez of Lifeshots Photography)