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Women Aware

Women Aware Featured in MyCentralJersey.com Needy Cases Series

Donations Support Free and Confidential Services for Victim-Survivors

Women Aware is featured in MyCentralJersey.com’s annual Needy Cases series, shining a spotlight on the growing need for domestic violence services in Middlesex County and how Women Aware is meeting that need with comprehensive services that include 24/7 hotline, emergency shelter, legal advocacy, support groups, children’s trauma reduction therapy and community outreach.

Women Aware is the lead agency in the Middlesex County Family Justice Center at 100 Bayard Street, New Brunswick. The FJC answers a need for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking by establishing a one-stop center that provides direct access to law enforcement, legal, immigration, housing, healthcare, social and human services and other resources.

Click here to read the full article.

Give Hope and Help

Join Women Aware’s family of donors to help ensure free and confidential services continue to be available to victim-survivors of domestic violence and their children across our community. It’s easy to donate at womenaware.net/donate or you can mail a check payable to Women Aware to Women Aware, 250 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.