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Women Aware

Women Aware Volunteer Spotlight

We appreciate you, Carol!

A dedicated volunteer with Women Aware for over 12 years, Carol parlayed experience as a volunteer peer group leader with Women Helping Women in Metuchen into service as a Domestic Violence Response Team volunteer for Women Aware. With compassion and common sense, Carol conveys to victim-survivors that she is someone who cares about their safety and is willing to listen without judgement. For Carol, safety planning with every survivor is key. Safety planning helps prepare the survivor if the abuser is no longer in the home, but also allows the survivor to be prepared if they return home to the abuser and need to escape in the future.

The best part of Carol’s volunteer service are the people. She feels Women Aware staff support her in every way, from debriefing after a tough encounter to laughing and hugging when they connect at an agency event. Carol speaks highly of the South Brunswick Police Department (SBPD) because they treat victims with compassion and are knowledgeable about the process a victim has to go through; she feels supported and appreciated when she is called out to SBPD headquarters. That being said, the victim-survivors are whom Carol remembers most. “Every time I go to headquarters, it is because a victim has taken a step toward saving their own life.”

Carol will always remember one client. The victim was brought to police headquarters when police responded to a call. The victim believed it was her neighbors who called police during a particularly loud and abusive episode with her husband. She wanted to shield her son from knowing she was at the police station, yet Carol pleaded with the victim to let the police pick him up for his own safety. She declined, but then found out it was actually her son who had called the police. The victim agreed the police could go to her home to check on her son. While Carol and the victim waited for the police to return with her son, he walked into the police station, accompanied by his father. As the husband tried to convince police he was the victim, Carol reassured her the abuser would not be able to trick the police. “The irony of that day stays with me.”

Carol is proud to be a New Jersey realtor, who enjoys working with first-time home buyers and helping them achieve the American Dream. She also enjoys working with sellers who are transitioning to a larger home or downsizing. Carol loves “old school” R&B music and is a big fan of comedy.

Women Aware Advocates on Capitol Hill

(l to r) Women Aware COO Maria Betanzos, Director of Legal Resources Ellen Schwartz, and CEO Phyllis Yonta with U.S. Senator Andy Kim

Women Aware CEO Phyllis Yonta, COO Maria Betanzos, and Director of Legal Resources Ellen Schwartz attended the first ever 2025 Washington Leadership Summit and Congressional Advocacy Day held by the Alliance for HOPE International in Washington, D.C. from March 3-6, 2025. The Women Aware team joined the Alliance and Directors of affiliated Family Justice Centers on Capitol Hill to advocate on behalf of victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Family Justice Centers offer a supportive experience for victims, enhance the efficiency of service provision, reduce victim recantation, increase offender accountability, and ultimately help reduce crime.

Briefings were delivered to Leadership Summit attendees from U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal and from U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn who announced their bi-partisan sponsorship of major legislation affecting the future of the Family Justice Center movement. This legislation, known as the Family Justice Center and Collaborative Communities Act, will set national standards for FJCs, ensure accredited FJCs are eligible for federal funding, and amend the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) to guarantee that domestic violence victims receive forensic exams at no cost – aligning their rights with sexual assault victims.

During the three-day Leadership Summit, Women Aware met with U.S. Senator Andy Kim, U.S. Senator Cory Booker’s staff, U.S. Congresswoman LaMonica McIver, U.S. Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill’s staff, and U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross’ staff. During the meetings, Women Aware advocated for support of the Crime Victims Fund Stabilization Act. The Crime Victims Fund (CVF) supports millions of survivors annually and has declined 82% since 2017. The proposed act would replenish the 40% cut to the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) which provides funding for life-saving victim assistance programs across the country. New Jersey and federal legislators were welcoming and shared their gratitude and support for the work done by Women Aware to assist victim-survivors in Middlesex County.

(l to r) NJCEDV Policy Director Calandria Ortiz-Resende; Women Aware Director of Legal Resources Ellen Schwartz; U.S. Congresswoman LaMonica McIver; Women Aware COO Maria Betanzos, and Women Aware CEO Phyllis Yonta

Women Aware Recognizes Voices of Courage & Change March 25th

Join us at the New Brunswick Performing Arts Center

Women Aware invites the Middlesex County community to recognize Women’s History Month by attending Voices of Courage & Change on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the New Brunswick Performing Arts Center. Event proceeds will support free and confidential services for survivors of domestic violence and their children in Middlesex County.

The event will honor the following Voices of Courage & Change:

  • Regina Calcaterra, New York Times Best Selling Author of Etched in Sand, A True Story of Five Siblings Who Survived an Unspeakable Childhood on Long Island
  • New Jersey Senator Linda R. Greenstein
  • Middlesex County Sheriff Mildred S. Scott

“We are honored to recognize author Regina Calcaterra, Sen. Linda Greenstein and Sheriff Mildred Scott,” said Women Aware CEO Phyllis Yonta. “In their respective professions, these women have advocated for and effected change on behalf of survivors of abuse, giving hope for a brighter tomorrow. Like the victim-survivors Women Aware assists in moving beyond abuse, they are true voices of courage and change.”

To learn more about our honorees and to purchase tickets, visit https://givebutter.com/VoicesOfCourageChange

Event Details

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

New Brunswick Performing Arts Center

11 Livingston Avenue New Brunswick, New Jersey

Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Program begins promptly at 5:30 p.m. Event concludes at 8:00 p.m.

Ticket – $150

Program – NBPAC Arthur Laurents Theater

  • Remarks by Regina Calcaterra
  • Voices of Courage & Change Video Testimony from Victim-Survivors of Domestic Violence
  • Awards Program

Connections & Conversation – NBPAC Lobby

  • Hearty Hors d’oeuvres Wine, Beer, Soft Drink

The need for Women Aware’s 24-hour multilingual hotline, emergency shelter, legal advocacy, children’s trauma reduction therapy, support groups, and community outreach continues to increase. Women Aware served 3,035 individuals in 2024, including 245 children. This is a 66% increase over the number of victim-survivors served five years ago.

Sponsorships Available

Voices of Courage & Change offers businesses and individuals an opportunity to not only promote their brand and commitment to a safer, healthier community, but to support life-saving services to survivors in imminent danger; and support them with the social, emotional, and financial resources to build hopeful lives free of abuse. For more information about sponsorship benefits, visit https://givebutter.com/VoicesOfCourageChange or contact Susan Dyckman at sdyckman@womenaware.net or 732.249.4900, ext. 0428.

Women Aware Volunteer Spotlight

We appreciate you, Pat!

Pat’s tenure as a Women Aware Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT) volunteer began 17 years ago. When Pat saw a notice on her community tv channel asking for volunteers to work with domestic violence victims, she stepped up. With a background in counseling, Pat saw it as an opportunity to do something to help her community. “People deserve to live a life without fear,” said Pat. “Men and women deserve to be treated with respect.”

As a member of Women Aware’s DVRT, Pat is a trained volunteer who is on call to meet victims of domestic violence with compassion and empathy at their local police station following an incident of abuse. Called out by police, DVRT volunteers provide crisis intervention services that include emotional support, safety planning, and information on domestic violence and community resources. In her meeting with a victim, Pat chooses her words carefully. “I use the term ‘survivor’ with them rather than victim. When someone is a survivor, they are in a position of power, not powerless…Many of these brave individuals come to the police without someone with them. Some bring their children which adds another layer of fear and concern.” Pat affirms the survivor’s decision to not put up with the abuse and talks with them about not blaming themselves.

The best part of Pat’s volunteer service is watching a survivor take the first step to reclaim their lives. One interaction that stayed with Pat happened years ago. At the police station, Pat said to the individual, “It’s not your fault.” The survivor began to cry as no one had ever told her that before.

In addition to volunteering with Women Aware, Pat is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She enjoys genealogy, attending plays, travel, collecting recipes from different historic time periods, and volunteering for events at Washington Crossing Historic Park in Pennsylvania.

Women Aware Featured in MyCentralJersey.com Needy Cases Series

Donations Support Free and Confidential Services for Victim-Survivors

Women Aware is featured in MyCentralJersey.com’s annual Needy Cases series, shining a spotlight on the growing need for domestic violence services in Middlesex County and how Women Aware is meeting that need with comprehensive services that include 24/7 hotline, emergency shelter, legal advocacy, support groups, children’s trauma reduction therapy and community outreach.

Women Aware is the lead agency in the Middlesex County Family Justice Center at 100 Bayard Street, New Brunswick. The FJC answers a need for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking by establishing a one-stop center that provides direct access to law enforcement, legal, immigration, housing, healthcare, social and human services and other resources.

Click here to read the full article.

Give Hope and Help

Join Women Aware’s family of donors to help ensure free and confidential services continue to be available to victim-survivors of domestic violence and their children across our community. It’s easy to donate at womenaware.net/donate or you can mail a check payable to Women Aware to Women Aware, 250 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.

2024 Middlesex County Domestic Violence Conference

Learning and Networking to Better Serve Victim-Survivors

The October 24-25, 2024 Middlesex County Domestic Violence Conference hosted by Women Aware and the Middlesex County Family Justice Center brought together 150 victim service providers, professionals, advocates, survivors and other allies for two days packed with inspiration, education and networking opportunities. Here are a few comments from attendees:

  • It was truly a powerful insightful conference all around.
  • The personal stories shared by presenters, while difficult, made them more credible. The stories bring it home. The audience needs to feel/understand the pain that survivors go through in addition to the mindset behind the choices and complexity of these relationships.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to attend future conferences. In my line of work, we deal with victims of DV and I found the information provided to be very impactful and educational.
  • Very informative from a law enforcement perspective, good to know where we can direct people in need of support.

Women Aware and the Family Justice Center extend a big thank you to all attendees, speakers and presenters, and to the sponsors who made the day possible! For a complete overview of the conference agenda, presenters and sponsors, click here.

Enjoy the photos!

Women Aware Staff Say Hello in New Video

Language should never be a barrier for a victim-survivor seeking assistance.

Hello and welcome from Women Aware’s multilingual staff! Hear about the free and confidential services available to victim-survivors of domestic violence in Middlesex County and how to access them. Click here!

If you or someone you care about is experiencing domestic violence, contact Women Aware’s 24/7 hotline to speak with an advocate – 833-249-4504.

Moving Beyond Abuse 5K & Charity Walk – October 5, 2024

Sunny skies, great music and enthusiastic support contribute to a successful event

It was a beautiful day at Johnson Park, Piscataway as runners, walkers, sponsors, volunteers and supporters turned out strong to support victim-survivors of domestic violence and their families at Women Aware’s Moving Beyond Abuse 5K & Charity Walk. “You are saving lives,” said Women Aware CEO Phyllis Yonta.

Nearly 180 individuals registered for the annual event, which raises funds for free and confidential services for victim-survivors of domestic violence in Middlesex County. As the state-designated lead domestic violence agency for Middlesex County, Women Aware serves 3,000 women, men and children every year, offering safety planning, emergency shelter, legal advocacy, support groups, children’s programs and connection with community resources.

Adding to event fun was music from Goldenseal the Band, a runner warm-up with WorkHard Fitness, East Brunswick and pre and post-race massages from Rebalance Massage Clinic, East Brunswick.

Thank you to everyone who supported this very special event!

Thank you, sponsors!

Thirty-four organizations and individuals contributed financially or in-kind to the Moving Beyond Abuse 5K & Charity Walk. We are grateful for their generous support.

Finish Line Sponsor – Enbridge

Awards Sponsor – Kaplan Companies, Trackmind Solutions, Bob’s Discount Furniture Charitable Foundation, Plaza Grande Womens Clubs, Highbar Boutique

Race Day Sponsor – Torcon, Independence Wealth Partners, Pizza City, Stark & Stark, Bell & Stockton, L’Oréal Operations, ESW Beauty

Neighbor Sponsor – Schechner Lifson, Charlotte and Joe Camarota, Edward Leske, Fresh Ponds Farm, Wegmans, NFP, Nail City, Frank Startari, Brunswick Tire & Auto, Wawa, The Bank of Princeton

Friend Sponsor – PKF O’Connor Davies, Northeastern Benefit Services, Matthew Flannery, Olmec, Diane and Glenn Palmer, Universal Windows, Philly and Vinny Yonta, Citizens, WorkHard Fitness, Rebalance Massage, Trader Joe’s

Professional Development at 2024 National Conference on Domestic Violence

At the 2024 National Conference on Domestic Violence in Chicago, Women Aware spoke with Rosie Hidalgo, Director of the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) in the U.S. Department of Justice. OVW awarded Women Aware an unprecedented $1 million grant through its 2021 Improving Criminal Justice Responses to Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Grant Program. The grant provides funding for the Middlesex County Family Justice Center (FJC). Pictured l to r: Middlesex County FJC Director Mildred Torres, OVW Director Rosie Hidalgo, Women Aware COO Maria Betanzos and Women Aware Director of Client Services Maliha Janjua.