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Women Aware

Board of Trustees Welcomes New Member

Sid Shah Named to Board of Trustees

Women Aware recently announced the appointment of Sid Shah to its Board of Trustees.

Mr. Shah is the co-founder of Trackmind Solutions, a successful software development and design firm that got its start in New Brunswick, NJ. A Rutgers Engineering graduate, he believes strongly in the importance of education and lifelong learning, values that resonate deeply within his family. Mr. Shah advocates for learning opportunities for individuals of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. He feels that education allows for social mobility, personal development and ultimately, societal improvement.

Mr. Shah and his wife, Sonali, both Rutgers alumni, are committed supporters of Women Aware. They believe in the organization’s mission to help women and families in need.

“We are excited to welcome Sid to the Board of Trustees,” said Board President Diane Palmer. “In the months since Sid first connected with Women Aware at our annual 5K as a corporate sponsor and runner recruiter, he and Sonali have demonstrated their commitment to expand Women Aware’s connections in the community and engage like-minded partners in supporting individuals moving beyond abuse.”

“I joined Women Aware because I understand how deeply trauma can affect not only individuals, but entire generations,” said Mr. Shah. “I believe strongly in the importance of giving women a supportive, healing environment to reduce the long-lasting impacts of trauma. By focusing efforts on recovery and resilience, we can create a safe, nurturing environment that helps combat the effects of domestic abuse and violence.”

Middlesex County Family Justice Center Named Outstanding Community Organization

Women Aware Accepts Award on Behalf of FJC Partners

The Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce recently named the Middlesex County Family Justice Center (FJC) Outstanding Community Organization at the Chamber’s annual Community Leaders of Distinction Awards.

The goal of the FJC is to establish a one-stop center where survivors can access services from multiple providers and tell their story once, reducing the risk of re-traumatization. Sixteen partners strong, and led by Women Aware, the FJC is facilitating more direct access to law enforcement, legal, immigration, housing, healthcare, social and human services for survivors and their children. Bringing multidisciplinary and multilingual services providers under one roof, the FJC model is identified as a best practice in the field of domestic violence intervention and prevention services. The Center is located at 100 Bayard Street, 4th Floor, New Brunswick, NJ. It is the first FJC in Middlesex County and the fourth in New Jersey.

FJC partners include Middlesex County (the Middlesex County Office of Human Services, the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office, Middlesex County Center for Empowerment, and REPLENISH), Central Jersey Legal Services, Jewish Family Services, Partners, American Friends Service Committee, Middlesex County Board of Social Services, NJ DCF Division of Child Protection and Permanency, Coming Home of Middlesex County, Manavi, Town Clock Community Development Corporation, and A Partnership for Change. Since the original MoU was signed, the FJC welcomed Dress for Success Central New Jersey, and the Middlesex County Family Court.

“It is our honor to accept this award on behalf of all our partners in the FJC,” said Women Aware CEO Phyllis Yonta. “A strong coordinated community response to domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking would not be possible without the leadership of Middlesex County and the dedicated commitment of our partners to this life-saving work.”

For information about Middlesex County Family Justice Center, visit http://middlesexcountyfjc.org.

Pictured are Women Aware Board Vice President Siyan Bradley, FJC Director Mildred Torres, Women Aware Board President Diane Palmer, Women Aware CEO Phyllis Yonta, Women Aware COO Maria Betanzos and Dress for Success Central New Jersey Program & Community Engagement Manager Nancy Musco.

Honoring Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month

Hearts of Hope

Women Aware invites you to enjoy “Hearts of Hope,” a video project created by our PALS (Peace: A Learned Solution) staff, and inspired by survivors and advocates, in honor of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month.

Original song written and performed by: Susanne McMahon and Lornaa Morales

Artwork developed by: Hayley Stricker

Video directed and edited by: Pearl McGee

Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved.

Women Aware on Law on the Line

FJC Director of Legal Resources Ellen Schwartz, Esq. talks about domestic violence and services for victim-survivors

Middlesex County Family Justice Center Director of Legal Resources Ellen Schwartz, Esq. recently sat down with Law on the Line host Robert Goodwin to talk about domestic violence and the services and resources available to victim-survivors of abuse and their children in Middlesex County, NJ. Law on the Line airs on Piscataway Community Television. Click here to watch the segment.

To learn more about the Middlesex County FJC, visit middlesexcountyfjc.org.

Save the Date – March 28

Dine at HONEYGROW - 20% of Proceeds Go to Women Aware

In recognition of International Women’s Month, Women Aware invites you to dine at honeygrow, 36 College Ave., New Brunswick on Wednesday, March 6 between 10:30am and 10:30pm.

20% of proceeds will support Women Aware’s free and confidential services for victim-survivors.

Use Promo Code GIVE110 on the honeygrow app, at honeygrow.com, or in store at the kiosk before checking out.


YOU can empower victim-survivors of domestic violence with the services they need to move beyond abuse to health, self-sufficient lives. Thank you!

Middlesex County FJC Hosts “Domestic Violence: The Judicial Perspective” March 5, 2024

Hon. John A. Jorgensen, Judge of the Superior Court of Middlesex County, Family Part (Ret) Presents

The Middlesex County Family Justice Center invites the community to attend a virtual, unique and informative presentation on how judges look at domestic violence cases.

Presenter is Hon. John A. Jorgensen, Judge of the Superior Court of Middlesex County, Family Part (Ret).

Date: March 5, 2024

Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

To join the Zoom meeting, click this link.

Meeting ID: 862 8273 8645

Passcode: 479600

Please join us.

Board of Trustees Names New Officer

Siyan Bradley Appointed Board Vice President

The Women Aware Board of Trustees recently announced the appointment of Siyan Bradley as Board Vice President. Mr. Bradley joined the Board of the state-designated lead domestic violence agency for Middlesex County, NJ in 2019.

Mr. Bradley graduated from Keller Graduate School of Management with a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) degree with a concentration in Project Management. He is employed as a Program Manager at L3harris in Bristol, PA. Mr. Bradley founded The Renee J. Bradley Foundation, dedicated to preventing domestic violence, as he was determined not to allow his mother’s death by violence to be in vain.

He has been featured on WBJLRADIO.COM and recognized by the New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence (NJCEDV) with the “NJ Men of Strength” award. Mr. Bradley is a dedicated member of the Cathedral International in Perth Amboy, NJ. He is married to Nicole Little Bradley, and they have three children.

“Siyan truly carries our cause in his heart,” said Women Aware Board President Diane Palmer. “After his mother was tragically killed, he honored her life by establishing a foundation in her memory to prevent domestic violence and educate young people about abuse. Siyan is an enthusiastic, active Board member and a powerful advocate for victims. I am excited to have him join the Board leadership team at Women Aware.”

“Since connecting with Women Aware in 2007, which was the year after my mother’s tragic death, I have been dedicated to helping individuals move beyond abuse,” said Mr. Bradley. “That dedication led me in joining Women Aware’s Board of Trustees in 2019, and now in my new role as Vice President of the Board, I renew my commitment to seeing a world free of domestic violence. I’m excited to be a part of an excellent Board and an amazing team at Women Aware.”

Advocacy Leads to Action

NJ State Senate Adds "Coercive Control" Language to Prevention of Domestic Violence Act

The NJ State Senate voted December 11, 2023, 34-0, to add “coercive control” language to the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act. Once Governor Phil Murphy signs it into law, this language will require judges to consider the impact of coercive control exercised on victims by their abusers, in deciding whether to grant a Final Restraining Order. The passage of this legislation is the result of tireless efforts by the New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence, and a number of advocate groups, organizations and individuals, who recognized the importance of including this language in NJ statute. This legislation will continue to help victims move beyond abuse.