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Women Aware

News & Media

Women Aware Celebrates 40 Years of Service – October 21, 2020

40th Anniversary Virtual Candlelight Vigil

On October 21, 2020, Women Aware commemorated 40 years of service to individuals and families affected by domestic violence in Middlesex County, NJ with a virtual candlelight vigil. The program remembered victims whose lives were taken by domestic violence and honored survivors courageously moving beyond abuse. 130 people joined via Zoom to celebrate this milestone event. The program raised $25,000 to support Women Aware’s services. Thank you to all who gave so generously.


40th Anniversary Vigil Underwriter

Grant from Merck

40th Anniversary Musical Performance Sponsor

Independence Wealth Partners

40th Anniversary Keynote Address Sponsor

The Honorable Marina Corodemus

Fresh Ponds Farm

The Higgins Group

Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst and Doukas, LLP

Kiwanis Club of New Brunswick

Olympus Construction

Ramatowski & Schwartz

Stark & Stark

40th Anniversary Vigil Partner

AlphaGraphics New Brunswick

Brunswick Tire & Auto

Yvonne Cangelosi

Edward Leske Company

Investors Bank

MassMutual 401k

PKF O’Connor Davies

Raygun Design, LLC

Schechner Lifson Corporation

Linda Van Derveer